LIS-BloodNet-BloodSTAR Integration

LIS-BloodNet-BloodSTAR Integration is an optional addition to the BloodNet-Laboratory Information System (LIS) Interface developed by the National Blood Authority (NBA), that allows Immunoglobulin (Ig) dispense data to be electronically communicated safely from a facilities LIS into BloodNet and directly into BloodSTAR.

The BloodSTAR Integration feature enables LIS Interfaced facilities to dispense Ig products almost entirely in their LIS, with BloodNet only needing routine checks to resolve Dispense Discrepancies (where a dispense differs from the Authorisation requirements) or Unmatched Episodes (where the dispense cannot be linked to a BloodSTAR authorisation, generally due to a mismatch of patient details). Both these processes when required only take 1/10 of the time it takes to dispense manually in BloodNet.

This BloodSTAR Integration benefit provides a 50-75% time saving on Ig dispensing when enabled (Figure 1).

BloodSTAR Integration

For newly BloodNet-LIS Interfaced facilities, the BloodSTAR Integration certification process will be integrated into the standard BloodNet-LIS testing requirements for vendor and /or facility certification. This feature will be accessible once the BloodNet-LIS Interface has been certified and implemented by the NBA.

If you have already completed BloodNet-LIS Interface certification but do not have the BloodSTAR Integration feature enabled please contact the NBA to discuss how you can enable this feature to enjoy these additional benefits. To test the BloodSTAR Integration process, contact the NBA to ensure that there is sufficient data populated to the BloodNet test environment.

 Figure 1 – BloodSTAR Integration benefits realisation

Further Information

If you would like any further information or want to discuss how you can realise the benefits of BloodSTAR Integration with the BloodNet-LIS Interface. For support, call 13 000 BLOOD (13 000 25663) or email